If you are having any trouble with your order please email with your questions.
1. Can I pay with a check?
Yes, you will need to send payment to Kiley Shaw , 563 W Bogus View Dr, Eagle Idaho, 83616. Make checks payable to Kiley Shaw. ADD SHIPPING of $7.50 media or $12.50 priority.
2. I can't figure out how to apply the discount code.
The code is applied near the end of the checkout process. Please see details in question below.
4. I'm having trouble with my order.
The code will be applied after you click on the checkout button. At this time the price still appears to be $89.99 (If you don't see the checkout button, look at the top right of your screen next to your cart.)
You will see payment options. Choose PayPal OR fill in your customer information and shipping information. (If you chose paypal it will autofill your address, otherwise the next screen you see will allow you to choose a credit card option after you type in your address.)
You will now be given the option to change shipping methods.
Click the "continue to payment method" box.
You have now reached the discount and payment page. Type in your code and it will be applied.
Fill out your chosen payment method.
Click on "complete order".
Books will be shipped within 2 days.
5. Can I get a book shipped to someone besides myself?
Yes, simply type their name and address into the shipping address. If you would like a note enclosed add that to your order, or send me a separate email
6. I think I just completed my order without the discount code? How can I tell?
When you finish checking out, just before clicking on submit order you will see your total. If something is wrong and you did not apply a discount code correctly I will send you a refund equivalent to your discount.